
Drivingstudio is an enterprise operating in the manufacture, installation and maintenance of driving school car additional equipment. The development of the products started over 15 years ago, when driving teaching escalated, new driving schools were established and more modern automobiles were acquired.

By now a set of additional pedals with certified and reliable details has been elaborated. Their functionality meets the demands of driving instructors, the equipment is recognized by car vendors and driving schools and accepted by the Car Registry Centre. In case the car has been bought from an agency, it is important that the installed equipment meets the conditions of the car plant warranty. The set of additional pedals must therefore be easily installable, maintainable and movable. The so-called flexible transmission basic set (clutch and brake pedals) used and installed in Europe, Scandinavia, and for more than 15 years in Estonia, is universal and it does not need any complex reconstruction of the vehicle, it is suitable to all car models (including category C and D vehicles). At the same time it does not disturb the seatmate when the car is used for driving besides the driving lessons. The same set can be re-installed to any other car.